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ObjectiveVariableArray Dialog

An ObjectiveVariableArray allows the KnowledgeEngineer to designate multiple VariableSpecifications as a single array variable that the ApplicationEngineer may use as an Objective. An ObjectiveVariableArray requires that one or two IndependentVariableVectors also be specified. With one IndependentVariableVector, the ObjectiveVariableArray is also a Vector; with two IndependentVariableVectors, the ObjectiveVariable Array is a Table. The ObjectiveVariableArray dialog is presented in response to the following actions:

ObjectiveVariableArray Vector Dialog Graphic ObjectiveVariableArray Table Dialog Graphic

The ObjectiveVariableArray dialog has a textbox for entering the name of the ObjectiveVariableArray, a list for selecting whether the ObjectiveVariableArray is a Vector or Table, one or two lists for selecting the IndependentVariableVector(s), and a grid for specifying the content of the ObjectiveVariableArray, as well as OK, Cancel, and Help buttons.


Type a name to be associated with the ObjectiveVariableArray. This name must be unique among all VariableSpecifications, ObjectiveVariableArray names, and IndependentVariableVector names.

Array Type

Select whether this is a Vector or Table type ObjectiveVariableArray.

Row IndependentVariableVector
Column IndependentVariableVector

These are lists of all IndependentVariableVectors. See the IndependentVariableVector dialog for creating an IndependentVariableVector.

Vector Grid

The Vector grid has a column for the IndependentVariableVector, a column for displaying the associated VariableSpecification and a column of Variable buttons for selecting the associated VariableSpecifications.

IndependentVariableVector Column

This column displays the IndependentVariableVector associated with this ObjectiveVariableArray.

Value Column

This column displays the VariableSpecification associated with each IndependentVariableVector value.

Variable Button Column

Clicking one of the Variable buttons presents the ObjectiveVariableArray Variable dialog where you can select one or more VariableSpecifications to fill the Value Column.

Table Grid

The Table grid has a row for each value of the Row IndependentVariableVector and two columns for each value of the Column IndependentVariableVector: the first column displays the VariableSpecification associated with the point defined by the Row and Column IndependentVariableVector values; the second column displays Variable buttons that present the ObjectiveVariableArray Variable dialog where you can select one or more VariableSpecifications.

OK Button

Clicking OK will validate the information you entered. If valid, the ObjectiveVariableArray dialog will be dismissed and the calling dialog or window will be updated with the information you entered. If invalid, you will be presented with an error dialog and the ObjectiveVariableArray dialog will remain.

Cancel Button

Clicking Cancel will dismiss the ObjectiveVariableArray dialog and the calling dialog or window will not be altered.

Help Button

Help will display this information.

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