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Knowledgebase Explorer

The Knowledgebase Explorer is launched from the Windows Start Menu. The first time you start the Knowledgebase Explorer after running Setup, it will look like this:

Knowledgebase Explorer Window Graphic

The Knowledgebase Explorer window or Explorer window consists of a tree view of your DOES installation and a list view of the tree view selection. The tree and the list consist of nodes that you may click. Left-clicking a node selects and highlights it. Right-clicking a node displays a Menu with actions that are appropriate for the selected node.

DOES has been developed by OPTIMUM Power Technology. For more information, contact:
500 Millers Run Road  •  P.O. Box 509   •  Morgan, PA 15064   •  Phone: 412-257-9070   •  Fax: 412-257-9011   •